Saturday, September 8, 2012

I feel so cool

I just have to say finding my 5k route on made me feel so cool.  It also made me really want to accomplish the goal since I had picked a nice, scenic route.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012


So, I've been "on vacation" I guess.  I took my exercise clothes to CA with me and wanted to keep things going, but alas.  I did not prepare myself with enough determination to make it through a couple of weeks that were not my usual schedule.  Today seems like the first chance I've had to "normalize".  But I let my "good energy" part of the day slip away without exercising.  And then I was so tired and discouraged that I ate . . . candy.  Only one of those tiny snack-size candies.  I have them for piano lessons.  This is the first one I've eaten since I bought them in June.  And then came the big blow.  NOOOOO!!!!!  I forgot if I eat a treat I can't get my 2 points for the day.  This is huge.  Especially since I turned down a ton of goodies at a neighborhood party last night.  I'm just here to say, it's not worth it to let down your guard.  I am motivated by points!  Can we keep doing this after September 8?

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Healthy French Fries

Okay, this recipe is really Angie's, but I've been using it this week and thought maybe some of you don't know about it.  Turn your oven to broil.  All you do is scrub about one potato per person.  Cut each potato in quarters lengthwise, and then turn those pieces and cut in quarters again lengthwise to make french fries shapes.  Spread them out onto a cookie sheet that has been sprayed with cooking spray.  Angie sprinkles them with Season Salt and Parmesan cheese.  I have been just sprinkling salt on them lately and I like it just as well.  Then put under the broiler for about 10 minutes.  You have to watch them to make sure they don't burn.  Once you know how hot your oven gets and how long they will really take to cook, you can just set the timer and forget about them.  But 10 minutes is so fast and easy and they taste great!!!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Blue Dress

Hi everybody!  I just thought I'd report that I actually RAN (okay, bounced on my feet?, slowly jogged?) at 4 mph on the treadmill yesterday for 1 minute at a time three or four times!!!  This doesn't really happen in my world so I'm amazed that I keep feeling well enough to be able to move!  I did a mile and a half in 30 minutes.  So, really, my 5k is going to take more than twice as long as everyone else's.  But I thought I'd post my time today like Ryan does so I can see if I can improve.

Plus, I fit into the blue dress I made for Scott's wedding and I wore it today to church!!!  In Hazel's words, "I'm LOVING this!"

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Stay Cool!

Sound like half the entries in your yearbook?  Well, it's also my quest with this 5K training!

Yesterday I was able to run slowly for a good enough length of time on the treadmill.  Today I could only run slowly for a shorter time, but I don't think it was because I was particularly tired... I think it was because I was too hot!

I don't want sweat and heat to hold me back from progress.  So, I ask of you, what strategies do you employ to keep cool while working out (in addition to rescuing poor, defenseless shopping carts)?

Monday, July 30, 2012

You Won't Believe This!!!

Okay, maybe you will.  And I guess this might be more exciting if I could actually start running once in a while.  But who knows . . . maybe someday!!!

So my news is this:  Despite my decrepit physical state, I ACTUALLY DIDN'T WANT TO STOP WALKING FAST TODAY on the treadmill!!!  I got myself up to 3 incline and 3 mph which is my PRE-heart trouble normal, pushing myself exercise pace.  I was able to reach that a couple of days ago for only the last few minutes, but today I got there about ten minutes sooner!!!  And then it started FEELING GREAT!!!  But alas, my visiting teachers were coming and I had to stop after 30 minutes.  MAYBE TOMORROW it will happen again!!!